Since its inception last year, Social Security Scotland has made £197 million in benefit payments, on behalf of the SNP Government, to over 77,000 people.
Social Security Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP hailed the publication of the Social Security Charter as a clear example of how another principle was being met - that Scotland’s social security system would be designed together with the people of Scotland.
Ms Somerville said:
“Over the past year we have put the biggest transfer of powers since devolution into practice. Progress has been swift and I am delighted that, within a year, we have both the legislation and infrastructure of Scotland’s newest public service.
“We can be pleased with the success achieved so far. Social Security Scotland is now delivering for the people of Scotland every day with much more to come.
“I have laid out plans for those benefits to be introduced this year and for future delivery. Responsibility for all devolved benefits, including their funding, will be with the SNP Government from 01 April next year, with the roll out of disability assistance starting shortly thereafter.
“It is through disability assistance we can make the biggest difference to the largest number of people, particularly by reforming an assessment system that causes stress and anxiety. At all times we will involve people in designing a system for people.”
The payments made since Social Security Scotland launched last September, cover the Carer’s Allowance Supplement and Best Start Grant, Pregnancy and Baby Payment. It also includes Carer’s Allowance payments.
Kenneth Gibson MSP commented:
“The smooth and hassle-free way Social Security Scotland has assisted people since its establishment last year, is in stark contrast with the daily stories of trauma and errors we hear and read about the UK Tory Government’s Department for Work and Pensions.
“This benefits the 2,528 carers in North Ayrshire, new parents, those with disabilities through the Independent Living Scotland Transition Fund and many others who need assistance at some point in their life.
“By putting dignity and fairness at the heart of our system, the SNP Government has demonstrated that Scotland’s affairs are best placed in Scotland’s hands.”
Further information on the benefits can be found at